
Let's face it, 99% of the things we buy we do so because of the presentation of the product. It's how the item is presented to us, advertised to us, shows us how we simply cannot live without this amazing thing that makes us open our wallets! We may have seen this same exact thing somewhere else but it was your website that made us stop, look and buy. This is called 'marketing' and here at Peabody Media we specialize in market research, analysis and optimization.

It's true that a good salesman can sell snow to an eskimo. But what if that snow was simply the best, cleanest, brightest, fluffiest, just bestest snow of all? Perfect for building igloos, for example. Sold! Another happy eskimo...

Peabody Media

To sell something, to keep someone's attention in this crazy, fast-paced social media world. You have to have a winning combination of graphics, sound, information and that certain something that's hard to define. But you know it when you see it. Put an eskimo on there! You suddenly stop, focus, check out that product or service, maybe click that link that leads to one of our websites... 

But once there you have to keep that surfer's attention! The best way to do this, to engage the visitor, is with a compelling story. Something that makes the reader/swiper pay attention and become deeply interested in what you have to show them next... 

Lead this visitor to your website on a journey of discovery. Let them get to know your company, your product or services, who you are and what kind of style you have, what you have to offer them. But do all this with the idea that you are talking to a single person, not "the Internet", and that this one person wants to hear a really good story. One so good they may just open their wallet... 

Let Peabody Media tell your story. Let us help you discover the best way to reach your audience, engage your customers, keep visitors to your website interested longer and increase your bottom line. Let's develop a winning web presence together!





551 w.190th St. #1A, New York, NY 10040

